Welcome to my collection of 1:12 scale miniature food made with love (and polymer clay) - for dollhouses or admirers of all-things-mini.

In life, it's the small things around you that matter the most. Embrace, enjoy, and savor every second with all your might.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Making Polish Pierogies

Ready to roll. Flour...eggs....check! All here.

Prep the potatoes and slice the cheddar cheese - this is the "meat" of the pierogi filling.

Keep rolling, it's lots of work, but the taste is worth it!

Pull up a plate, and enjoy with a side of corn on the cob and an icy cold dill pickle spear.

Some additional views - prep areas and table


  1. Your pierogies looks really good! Just like my mom!

  2. Thanks for the sweet comment! I had hoped this one would pay tribute to all Polish moms out there. :)

    Have a great day! (or as my dad would have said - Dzien dobry - good day!)
